Friday, October 22, 2010

Food Journal 10/22/10

Down another 3 lbs. this week for a total of 8.8 in the past 2 weeks. Still a long way to go but I feel like I'm moving in the right direction! Another busy day, didn't get a chance to eat breakfast or lunch, so just grabbed what I could. Went to DQ around 2pm to fulfill a promise I made to a couple of my students. By that time I was starving, so I got an Arctic Rush. Good choice for only 4 points I suppose, but still a very NONnutritional eating day.

Am feeling a bit better about life tonight due to a very sweet girl named Cloee who kind of forced me to confront some things I've been wrestling with. Thanks Cloee :)

coffee w/ creamer-1
few sugar babies-1

Arctic Rush-4

2 slices pepperoni pizza-10
lg. coke-6
few handfuls 98%ff popcorn-1

Total Points: 26/26
Flex used/remaining: 0/35
fr/veg: 1/5? pizza sauce?
milk: 1/2? cheese?
water: 3/6
exercise: none

1 comment:

  1. 3 more lbs....Wow! You are moving right along!!! GREAT job again! Have a good weekend!
